Sex Therapy
What We Address
Hypogonadism/Low Labido
Sexual Desire Disorder
Out of Control Sexual Behaviors
Painful Sex- Truma, Negative Feelings, Etc
Inability to Achieve Sexual Climax
Erectile/Ejaculation Dysfunction
Polyamorous/Open Relationships
Sexual Identity
‍And more….
At Synergy Relational Therapy, sex therapy is designed to provide compassionate assistance to couples and individuals experiencing sexual difficulties.

Through sex therapy, clients can also openly address concerns about sexual function, sexual feelings and intimacy. It can be effective for individuals of any age, gender, or sexual orientation. The treatment of sexual dysfunctions and sex-related issues are focused on the individual’s symptoms rather than on underlying psychodynamic conflicts. There are a great number of dysfunctions which may be addressed including (but not limited to) non-consummation, premature ejaculation, unwanted sexual fetishes, painful sex or a lack of sexual confidence, assisting people who are recovering from sexual assault, or problems commonly caused by stress, fatigue, and other environmental or relationship factors.
Contact us to set up a free 15-minute phone consultation for more information.
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